Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ideas Are Rarely Enough

Fred, a dedicated business owner, had used consultants in the past.   The consultants had helped him come up with new ideas for the business, but he found that his organization lacked the key skills and capacity to achieve the goals.  Soon after the consultant was gone, it was back to business as usual.  The demands of the daily workload took over and the changes were never implemented.
During the Holiday Season, business normally slows down.  This year, after 15 years in business, Fred decided to use the time to reassess his commitment to his business and to his dedicated team of employees. 
Although Fred had seen steady growth and some profit, he never felt that the business was achieving its full potential.  Operating during the last four years of the “Great Recession” had been tough and very fatiguing.  Fred had to add cash to his business to support it.
Now, Fred is asking himself:
1.       What needs to change to get the business profits growing again?
2.      Does my current team have the key skills and capacity to make the needed changes?
With a renewed passion and energy to propel his business out of the recession, Fred wants to adapt the business to the new realities of the market.  From past experience, he knows that change implementation requires key skills and “horsepower”.
This time, Fred is going to go about it differently.  He will identify a consultant that, in addition to great ideas, has the experience and commitment to contribute the necessary skills to the team and add capacity to achieve the results they envision.  Ideas are rarely enough.